Claiming his re-election to run for a second term in office in Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSadis has become a fundraiser. The deadline for reporting the March fundraiser to the Florida Secretary of State is not until Monday, but it is already clear that the governor – through his re-election campaign and the Friends of Ron DeSadis, his political committee – has already won from $ 100 million so far in the 2022 cycle. ΔΕΣΑΝΤΗΣ VS. DISNEY: WHAT IS AT RISK The huge total fundraiser is plaguing the ruling’s top democratic opponents who hope to face and defeat the governor in November. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, USA, February 24, 2022. (Reuters) But the attraction – which comes from some of the GOP’s biggest and strongest sponsors as well as small dollar-denominated contributions not just across Florida but from coast to coast – also sends a message to the rest of the potential Republican presidency in 2024. DeSantis’s popularity, influence and power if a White House campaign is launched. Longtime Republican fundraiser and lobbyist David Tamasi told Fox News that there is a lot of interest in DeSantis among the GOP money order NO OBSERVATIONS IN THE TRUMP CONCENTRATION PROCESS “DeSantis continues to be at the forefront of buying high-quality dollars. The trick will be to translate an expected November victory into a monopoly,” Tamasi said. Former President Donald Trump remains the most productive fundraiser in the Republican Party. The Save America Political Action Committee has raised more than $ 125 million since its inception shortly after the 2020 election and has had more than $ 110 million in its coffers since the end of February. Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally on Saturday, January 15, 2022, in Florence, Ariz. (AP Photo / Ross D. Franklin) But as he is firmly at number two with Trump and ahead of other potential contenders in the early 2024 GOP presidential polls, DeSantis is also firmly in second place in the cash campaign. Ballotpedia’s nonprofit and non-partisan projectors that DeSantis reportedly raised nearly $ 110 million, according to data submitted to the Florida Secretary of State. TRUMP WINS CPAC 2024 STRAW POLL, WITH TWO TIE Tamashi, who raised money for former President Donald Trump in the 2016 and 2020 election campaigns, noted that “any Tier 1 presidential candidate must be able to demonstrate strong fundraising capabilities with large donors and even more so now, small donors. “We know Trump can grow from both and this haul shows that DeSantis also has the potential. The question is who else can join this club?” DeSantis has seen his popularity grow among Republican voters across his state and across the nation over the past two years, thanks in large part to his militant push against COVID-19 restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic and his aggressive actions in cultural wars. Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis addresses the annual meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition leadership on November 6, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada (Fox News). “I stand by my position. I do not back down,” Desantis said last November as he spoke to a large confederation of Republican leaders and activists. “We have done a lot in the state of Florida. We still have a lot to do and I just started fighting.” The governor has repeatedly blocked discussions about 2024, saying he is focusing on his re-election as governor in 2022 and telling Fox News that the next race for the White House “is very low. It is not something I plan”. Pompeo’s decisive factors in 2024 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says any decision on whether to run for the White House in the upcoming 2024 election cycle will depend on whether he believes “this is the time” to “better serve America.” . And Pompeo, a former Kansas lawmaker who served as CIA director and later a top US diplomat during the Trump administration, told Fox News in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Thursday that his decision would not depend on whether his former boss or anyone else decides to jump to the next race for the Republican presidential nomination. Pompeo hints that presidential candidacy does NOT depend on WHAT Trump is doing Hours before Pompeo made headlines at Hillsborough County’s annual GOP fundraising dinner, Trump told the Washington Post that if an effort is made in 2024 to try to return to the White House, it is doubtful that the former Pompeo, Mike Pence, and DeSantis would run. “If I were to run, I can not imagine that they would like to run. Some people out of faith would find it difficult to run,” said Trump, who has repeatedly flirted with the White House since leaving the White House more than 14 months ago. to run for another presidency. special offer. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attends New Hampshire Hillsborough County’s annual fundraising dinner by county President and RNC member Chris Ager in Manchester, NH on April 7, 2022 (Fox News) Asked about these comments and whether his own decision will be influenced by what Trump decides, Pompeo told Fox News: “Pompeo has always used the simple fact that you think this is the moment you think you can best serve. America. the place where you can have the biggest impact. That way we will make our decision in the end “. PREFACE 2024: PENCE MOVEMENTS PREPARED THE FORMER VICE PRESIDENT FOR A POSSIBLE WHITE HOUSE ROAD “It’s the right way to think of someone who proposes himself to the people of the United States to run for office, whether he is president or back in Kansas,” he said. “All of these things are based on your belief that you are the right person to sit in this place. And if you believe in that, you have an obligation to go and do it.” Haley’s trip to NH in 2022 pays dividends in 2024 On her first trip back to New Hampshire in a year and a half, former United Nations Ambassador Nicki Haley lasered in support of Matt Mowers’ candidacy for Congress. Former United Nations Ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is campaigning for GOP congressional candidate Matt Mowers of New Hampshire at an April 4, 2022 event in Derry, NH (Fox News). Haley, the two-term former South Carolina governor, topped several events Monday for Mowers, a former executive director of the New Hampshire GOP who later served on Trump’s general election campaign in 2016 before serving in the State Department during the first two years of the former president’s term. HALEY JOURNEY TO NEW HUMPSAIR SERVES MULTIPLE PURPOSES And Hailey’s trip, which experts considered a possible candidate for the 2024 presidential election, caused more uproar over her possible national ambitions. Asked about 2024, Hailey told Fox News “if we do not win in 2022 there will be no ’24. That’s why we go all over the country trying to make sure we do.” CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE THE FOX NEWS APPLICATION As for her schedule, Haley said, “I do not need to make a decision until next year. But I can tell you that I have never lost a race. I’m not going to start now. I’ll put a thousand percent in it and finish. the”.