Biden’s approval rating is low in all areas, including Democrats who generally support Democrats, including racial minorities and young people. People under the age of 30 gave Biden a resounding thumb up – with 57 percent saying they disapprove and only 43 percent saying they approve of the president’s performance. A majority of 54% of Hispanics and 33% of African Americans said they disapproved of Biden – and 22% of people who voted for Biden in 2020 also disapproved. The results of the early April survey reflect a bad national mood as inflation and illegal immigration reached four-decade highs – with even greater increases expected – as COVID-19-related restrictions are extended and violent crime remains high. About 69 percent of those polled disapproved of Biden’s handling of inflation, which reached 7.9 percent a year earlier in February. Even among Democrats, 41 percent disapproved of Biden’s handling of inflation. And Biden’s overall approval rating is 42%, down one point from last month. It has been moving in the low 40s for months and this tick marks its lowest point so far. – CBS News Poll (@CBSNewsPoll) April 10, 2022 President Joe Biden’s party is too unfavorable to win the by-elections, with polls plummeting. Chris Kleponis Border Patrol Agents Arrest Illegal Immigrants From Mexico to United States. The CBS poll surveyed U.S. residents instead of registered voters or potential voters, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact impact of the November midterm elections, which Republicans are likely to win. The overall results reflect a slight but statistically insignificant drop in Biden’s acceptance score. CBS found 43% approval rating for Biden in February and March – but previous results are within the margin of error of 2.8 percentage points in the latest poll. Biden won more votes than any other presidential candidate in history less than two years ago – as a pandemic vote by mail and a tight race led to an increase in voter turnout. But his acceptance rate plummeted less than a year after his term in the US’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. The 22 percent of people who voted for Biden in 2020 also disapprove of him. AP / Eric Gay US Marines guide IDPs to support evacuation from Afghanistan at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. AP / Senior Aviator Brennen Lege / US Air Force Although the withdrawal from Afghanistan was initially supported, it was marred by a desperate rush of American citizens and Afghans to Kabul airport following the departure of US-backed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who reportedly had a large amount of cash. Thirteen US soldiers have been killed in a terrorist attack at Kabul airport. CBS results are consistent with other recent polls. RealClearPolitics’s average finds Biden acceptance rate at 41.4 percent – only slightly higher than the all-time low of 39.8 percent average acceptance rating in early February. Biden’s sad acceptance could add to the plight of Democrats in the midterm elections. A president’s party is too unfavorable to win the by-elections. However, elections for the Senate largely depend on the qualifications of a party candidate and which states elect a senator that year. In 2018, Republicans managed to win two seats in the Senate and retain control of the upper house, despite the loss of Parliament. Donald Trump’s average acceptance score was 43.5 percent on election day 2018.