The DC Public Health Laboratory “confirmed that the fox that was captured yesterday was found to be positive for the rabies virus,” DC Health said in a statement. The department said in an email on Wednesday that there had been nine “confirmed” fox bites in recent days and that it had “human euthanasia” so a rabies test could be performed. Health officials said they had come in contact with “all the human victims who were bitten by the fox”. Meanwhile, the animal’s kits – as the baby foxes are called – were found and “arrested” Wednesday morning, DC officials said. Officials did not say where the kits were stored or whether they would be euthanized. City health officials said in an email that they were “working to determine the next steps for fox kits.” To find out if an animal has rabies, it must be euthanized and samples taken from its brain tissue so that laboratory tests can be performed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 120,000 animals are tested for rabies in the United States each year, and of those, about 6 percent were found to be rabies. Health officials said “no more foxes were found” at the Capitol, but warned that “it would not be unusual to see more” because they were “present” throughout the city. Maryland homeowner uses tobacco to fight snakes, burns house City officials said they would not “gather healthy foxes in the area” and would only intervene to “remove wildlife if they are sick or injured” or if someone had been exposed and needed a rabies test. They urged anyone who encountered an “aggressive, sick or injured fox” to contact Animal Control at 202-723-5730. Lauren Crossed, head of wildlife program at the Humane Rescue Alliance, whose crews were involved in catching the raging fox on Tuesday, said it was “very common” for mother foxes to protect their hideouts and kits. But he said the fox “showed unusual aggression, extending a much larger area” than experts would expect for a “fox that just protects its nest”. Usually foxes protect their immediate area, he said, but she “traveled squares to attack humans.” After receiving several calls to bite people and also seeing the fox, animal control officers and Capitol police launched an investigation and eventually two animal control officers, Christina Best and Chelce Peterson, found the fox. According to the Humane Rescue Alliance, the fox attacked Best, who used her net to catch her. The fox became big news on social media on Tuesday and even had her own Twitter account. On Tuesday, Capitol police spokesman Tim Barber said at least half a dozen people had been bitten or bitten by the fox. DC Health raised that number to nine on Wednesday. Barber had said that it was difficult to understand how many incidents there were, because people reported them in various places, including the Capitol police, hospitals and clinics. Officials “were not sure how long” the foxes were around the Capitol or where they came from, Barber said. On Tuesday, MP Ami Bera (D-Calif.) Said in a telephone interview that she was among those attacked at about 5 a.m. Monday as she walked near the Russell Senate office building. “Yesterday was probably my most unusual day on the Hill in 10 years,” Bera said on Tuesday. After feeling something fall on the back of his leg, Bera said, he turned around, waiting to face a small dog. Instead, he saw a fox and used an umbrella to keep the animal away. “I’m not going to let this fox go after me,” he recalled thinking. An “aggressive” fox was caught in the US Capitol after being bitten Following the Capitol police response, the fox fled to the Dirksen and Hart Senate office buildings. Trained by a doctor, Bera then inspected the damage. He found the trouser leg pierced, he said, but saw no piercings or blood on the skin around his calf and ankles. From plenty of attention, Bera said, he saw a treating physician who consulted infectious disease doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He has now launched a series of 10 shots, he said, including immunoglobulin vaccines and a tetanus vaccine, to fight the disease if exposed. Bera warned tourists and others visiting the country’s capital to be careful. “Obviously I have never seen a fox on the hill,” he said. “The people of DC need to be careful.” Politico journalist Ximena Bustillo said on Twitter on Tuesday that she had been bitten. One of the foxes’ encounters took place in the nearby US Botanic Gardens and another on the Capitol side, near the foundations of the building, according to a House notice sent from the sergeant’s office. On Tuesday, Capitol police officials said they had received another call about a fox approaching staff near First and C. Streets said the fox “may have a miscarriage hideout near First and C. in the Dirksen building “. Officials said there was another possible fox cave near the “perimeter of the Russell building”. Foxes are considered wild animals and officials have warned that no one should approach them. It is known that “they protect their hideouts and territory”. The fox’s Twitter account – @thecapitolfox – said Wednesday afternoon: “He left but he was not forgotten. May you remember me with love “. He left but he was not forgotten. Remember me with love. 🎶 In the angel’s arms Fly away from hereFrom this dark, cold hotel roomAnd the vastness you feel 🎶 – Capitol Fox (@thecapitolfox) April 6, 2022