Eating a variety of foods, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep can help people with Parkinson’s disease improve their health and improve their quality of life, doctors say. World Parkinson’s Day is celebrated every year on April 11 and is supported by the European Union for Parkinson’s Disease. The goal of Parkinson’s Information Day is to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease, promoting a better understanding of the condition and how it can affect a person. Parkinson’s is a disease in which the nerve cells that carry the neurotransmitter dopamine to other cells are reduced in number. As cell death spreads to larger and larger parts of the brain, more centers are affected. This results in the worsening of motor and non-motor disorders. As people get older, the most important factor would be the quality of life they will maintain for the many years they live. Parkinson’s disease is a common condition that adversely affects the quality of human life as they grow older. Because the exact cause of Parkinson’s disease is unknown, proven ways to prevent the disease also remain a mystery. Early onset of Parkinson’s disease can be a disturbing diagnosis as it can significantly affect the quality of life of the individual and his family. When Parkinson’s disease occurs at a younger age, a genetic link is more likely. It can also develop differently from Parkinson’s disease in the elderly. Awareness of the symptoms can help a person receive the treatment and support they need at an early stage. “Although there is no specific diet for Parkinson’s disease, to maintain overall good health, most people living with the disease should eat a variety of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products. products and foods rich in protein, such as meat. and beans. Someone to consider, including nuts, olive oil, fish and eggs, in their diet for their beneficial fats. Eating a variety of foods will help you get the energy, protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber you need for good health. “In advanced stages of the disease, it may be necessary to adjust the protein intake according to the medication schedule to improve the effectiveness of the medication,” said Suresh Reddy, Consultant Neuro Physician, Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital. “Apart from medication, there are many ways in which people living with Parkinson’s disease can improve their health and well-being, maintain their physical function, alleviate symptoms and improve their quality of life. The most important of these are regular exercise, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. The development of quality habits such as the practice of yoga, Tai-Chi, massage or movement therapies, acupuncture, etc. are also great ways to avoid falling into the Parkinson’s trap, “said Abhinay M. Huchche, Consultant Neurologist, SLG Hospitals. A. Preetham Reddy, Consultant Neurologist, Century Hospital, said: “By 2030, one in six people in the world will be 60 years of age or older, and at this rate the proportion of the population aged 60 and over will increase from one billion in 2020 to 1.4 billion. With increased incomes, people tend to indulge in habits such as alcoholism, which could lead to diseases such as Parkinson’s disease over time. “Therefore, there is an urgent need to raise awareness about the risks associated with the disease and how it would have a negative impact on quality of life and what precautions could be taken to overcome the risks.” “Several genetic factors increase a person’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, although it is unclear exactly how they make some people more susceptible to the condition. Although heredity is a rare occurrence, there is a possibility that Parkinson’s disease can be passed on to families because of defective genes passed on to a child by the parents. “Doing a gene map study as well may not be a bad idea, if there are elderly people in the family who suffer from this disease,” added Ch. Vijay, Consultant Neurologist, KIMS Icon Hospital, Vizag. IANS