“Once again I’m in the middle of a brawl, I’m apparently in conflict with probably the worst woman in American politics,” Kimmel said before telling the joke that upset Green. During his show Tuesday, Kimmel said, “Where is Will Smith when you need him?” in response to Green’s tweet earlier this week that the three Republicans who backed Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation in the Supreme Court were “pedophiles.” Greene tweeted that she had reported Kimmel to Capitol police, calling the joke a “threat of violence.” “He called the police and reported it,” Kimmel thought Thursday. “Not only did he call the police. He called the same police who voted against giving a gold medal to Congress for defending our Capitol against the January 6 uprising that helped incite it. … It’s amazing how fast you can leave, ‘These liberals, you can say nothing more!’ in, “What did you say?” I call the police. ” It must be what nullifies the culture they always talk about. “ Kimmel then called Greene “fired” and a “sweet little snowflake” because of a subsequent tweet in which she called the funny “dog whistle on the violent left” that would result in death threats. “I find it very rich that a person who did this in her campaign ad,” Kimmel said, while showing a picture of Greene holding a gun, “suddenly moans about fantasies of violence. This woman is the one who endorsed marginal conspiracy theories and repeatedly advocated the execution of prominent democratic policies. Now, she calls 911 because she was being teased. It is a snowflake and a sociopath at the same time – a snowman “. You were not kidding. You hide your misogyny and racism behind your “jokes” on @ABC. This was a dog whistle on the violent left to attack me or worse, and the already inspired fantasies of violence against me. How many new death threats will I receive that are your fans? – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) April 7, 2022 Greene later posted on Twitter what she claims is a sound of violent threats she and her office have made since Kimmel’s “call for violence.” Greene’s support for marginal conspiracy theories is well-founded, Kimmel said, and has indeed called for the death of prominent Democratic politicians, as CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski reminded his followers on Twitter on Thursday. The deleted video of Marjorie Greene on FB, where she proposes the execution of Pelosi for betrayal, gets a new look after she said that she submitted a report to the police for a joke by Jimmy Kimmel. “It is a crime punishable by death, such as treason. Pelosi is guilty of treason.” pic.twitter.com/cUVT4AUPBw – andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) April 7, 2022 “I feel that maybe other Republicans like to have her around to make others look normal,” Kimmel added. Green has at least one supporter in MP Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.). “Not only would Marjorie Taylor Greene’s husband do a quick job with you, but @RepMTG herself would do a quick job with you!” wrote the MP under investigation for sexual trafficking of minors. “Kimmel would not have endured much if he had been interested in engaging in unprovoked, horrific violence against this MP.” Kimmel also answered Gaetz. “NOTE to @RepMattGaetz – stay indoors,” he wrote. “This is the season with Girl Scout cookies.”